Six Key Benefits of Tummy Time for Your Baby and How to Begin

Tummy time: an innocent phrase with a powerful punch when it comes to baby development. What is it? Why is it so important? This article delves into the six key benefits of tummy time.

  1. It strengthens neck, shoulder, and arm muscles. Plus, it helps with gross motor skills and prepares them for crawling, sitting up, and walking.
  2. It also prevents flat spots from forming on baby's head. Tummy time allows for repositioning and evens out pressure on their skull.
  3. On their tummy, babies can explore their surroundings and discover new textures. This sensory experience enhances cognitive development and fosters curiosity.
  4. Take Anna and her son Noah for example. With regular tummy time, Noah had excellent head control and sat up unassisted at six months!

Tummy time isn't torture - it's an investment in baby's future! Get ready to watch them grow and thrive with this transformative practice!

Benefits of Tummy Time

Tummy time is an important activity to help baby's development. There are 6 advantages of tummy time:

  • Helps baby's motor skills such as rolling, crawling and walking.
  • Gives baby a new way to explore their environment.
  • Keeps baby's head from getting flat spots.
  • Improves digestion after meals.
  • Builds neck and shoulder muscles.
  • Improves eye coordination and depth perception.

Tummy time also helps bond with your baby. To make the most of it:

  • Start early.
  • Use supportive props.
  • Engage with them.
  • Gradually increase duration.
  • Vary the surfaces.
  • Stay attentive.

Consistency is key! Let the tummy takeover begin and give your baby a fun and beneficial experience!

How to Begin Tummy Time

Tummy time is a must for newborns, helping with physical growth and strengthening muscles. Here's how to begin:

  1. Start Slowly: Do tummy time in short bursts, 1-2 mins, a few times a day. As baby gets used to it, gradually increase the time.
  2. Comfy Surface: Put a soft, safe blanket or play mat on the floor. Don't keep any distractions or hazards around.
  3. Engage & Encourage: Interact with your baby during tummy time. Use toys or mirrors to keep them engaged and make it fun.

Every baby develops at their own pace, so be patient and supportive. Also, never leave baby alone during tummy time.

The American Academy of Pediatrics found that regular tummy time helps avoid flat spots on baby's head, thus avoiding corrective measures in the future. We want baby to grow and develop, not do accidental breakdancing moves, so safety is key.

Precautions and Tips

Start off slow! Begin with short sessions of tummy time and gradually increase the duration as your baby gets more comfortable. Use a firm yet comfortable surface for tummy time - like a playmat or blanket on the floor. Always stay within arm's reach of your baby during tummy time in case of any accidents or discomfort. Give them toys and colourful objects to capture their attention and make it more fun. Encourage them to switch between tummy time and other positions like back or side lying to avoid strain on the neck and shoulders.

Remember that every baby is unique so you may need to adjust these tips to their individual needs. It may be helpful to seek guidance from a pediatrician or healthcare professional.

A story to inspire: My friend's daughter, Sophia, initially didn't like tummy time and would fuss when put in that position. Her parents decided to bring in her favourite toy - and it worked! Sophia started enjoying tummy time and built strong neck muscles. It just goes to show that simple changes can really make a difference, making tummy time an enjoyable experience for both babies and parents.

Conclusion: Tummy time can seem like torture, but it's actually a great way to help your baby develop. So get your stopwatch out and watch the world's slowest race to strengthen those little muscles!


It's clear: tummy time is key for your baby's growth and wellbeing. Through tummy time, you give your little one many advantages.

For instance, tummy time strengthens your baby's neck and shoulder muscles. As they lift their head off the ground, their muscles get stronger. This prepares them for sitting up and crawling.

Plus, tummy time stops flat spots on your baby's head. With more back sleeping to help reduce SIDS, many babies spend a lot of time on their backs. Tummy time gives them an escape and prevents flattening of certain areas on their skull.

Further, tummy time helps your baby interact with and explore their environment. This promotes cognitive development and sharpens their sensory skills.

Tummy time also helps your baby's motor skills. As they prop themselves up on their arms or push up onto all fours, they are building skills for later activities like crawling and walking.

On top of that, tummy time helps even out muscle imbalances. By having your baby move around on their stomachs, you keep muscle groups in balance and strong.

Lastly, tummy time is a bonding time for you and your baby. Get down on the floor with them to connect through touch, eye contact, and gentle interaction.

To make tummy time successful, start slowly and make it fun. Put your baby on a play mat or blanket. Use colorful toys and objects to get their attention and to motivate reaching and grasping.

As your baby gets used to tummy time, increase the duration. Aim for 20-30 minutes each day, in several chunks with breaks to prevent exhaustion.

And always supervise your baby during tummy time for safety and wellness. With this simple practice, you give your baby the chance to thrive mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q1: Why is tummy time important for babies?

A1: Tummy time is crucial for babies as it helps strengthen their neck, shoulder, and arm muscles. It also promotes motor skills development and prevents flat spots on the back of their heads.

Q2: At what age should I start tummy time with my baby?

A2: You can start tummy time with your baby as early as when they are a few days old. However, it is recommended to begin gradually and for short periods, increasing the duration as they grow.

Q3: How often should I do tummy time with my baby?

A3: It is recommended to aim for at least three tummy time sessions per day. Start with a few minutes at a time and gradually increase it as your baby becomes more comfortable.

Q4: What are the benefits of tummy time for my baby's motor development?

A4: Tummy time helps babies strengthen their muscles, which is essential for their rolling, sitting, crawling, and eventually walking. It also improves their hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness.

Q5: How can I make tummy time enjoyable for my baby?

A5: You can make tummy time enjoyable for your baby by using colorful toys, making eye contact, and singing or talking to them. Gradually increase the time and make it a part of their daily routine.

Q6: What if my baby doesn't like tummy time?

A6: Some babies may initially resist tummy time. Start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the time as they get used to it. Using a small and soft support under their chest can also make it more comfortable for them.

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